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Environmental Hip Dysplasia in dogs


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Environmental Dysplasia is also reconized as damage or injury.

DISCLAIMER: Von Der Musikstadt is not a Veternarian or health care professional. The Information I have on this website is from Quotes from DVM or from Veternary research. I do personally believe that Hip dysplasia can be heriditary, but malnutrition will cause growth problems. I do not warranty a puppy if the puppy was malnutritioned or a dog was fed poor grade of dog food.


Some of the environmental aspects that can affect the observable expression of hip dysplasia are the following

by T. J. Dunn, Jr. DVM

  • "Nutrition - There are reports that in puppies a restricted calorie intake could restricted the growth rate, and in turn will lessen the potential for the dog to develop hip dysplasia. (I wouldn't suggest doing this to any pup... it makes as much sense as stealing money from your own checking account!) The problem is that some restricted diets restrict the fat and protein content and increase the carbohydrate content of the food. Bad! The real goal should be to keep growing pups from becoming OVERWEIGHT. Restricting fat and protein in a growing pup can be a disaster. A high quality, meat-based diet is absolutely necessary for growing pups, just don't feed so much of it that the pup becomes overweight".

  • "Physical Activity - In a young, growing dog with a genotype (genetic makeup) for CHD who will eventually develop some trouble because of it, will develop more arthritis and have more eventual difficulty if it is highly active physically. Climbing stairs, jumping into and out of pick-up trucks, running with other normal dogs can all subject the growing hip structures to unwarranted stress and trauma and increase future discomfort for the dog. The effects of this excessive activity is worsened in an overweight pup. (In a normal, growing dog, all these activities will not cause hip dysplasia.

  • "Bedding - There is no scientific proof, but lots of observational conclusions, that pups reared especially during the nursing period on slippery surfaces such as newspapers will be prone to hip difficulties. That is not to say that smooth concrete, wood or newspaper surfaces cause dysplasia, just that they can make a bad situation worse. Better surfaces for newborn pups would be blankets or towels... something they can get a better grip on".


Baker Institute for Animal Health Research
"The time of appearance and the rate of progression of hip dysplasia are influenced by the growth rate of individual dogs. Studies at the Baker Institute and elsewhere have shown that slowing growth during the early months of life can lessen the severity of hip dysplasia and even prevent it. One study followed two groups of susceptible pups from the time they were eight weeks old until their death. One group of pups was fed nearly 25 percent less food than the second, which were permitted to eat all they wanted of the same diet. Over the course of the 14 year study, data was collected regarding general longevity and the development of hip dysplasia. Not only did the dogs eating a restricted diet live significantly longer than their well-fed counterparts, they developed hip dysplasia at a much lower rate than did the second group. Further, for those dogs on a restricted diet who did develop hip dysplasia, the risk of developing osteoarthritis decreased by 57 percent. This study of course involved a diet restriction that is difficult to enforce for many pet owners. It would be desirable to use a less restrictive dietary regime that would confer many of the same benefits this more severe diet did".



Daniel C. Richardson
DVM Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Surgeons
Director, Advanced Research Hill's Pet Nutrition, Inc., Topeka, Kansas
A Symposium Held at Western Veterinary Conference
"The large and giant breeds are the most susceptible to skeletal disease. Genetics, environment, and nutrition play key roles. Nutritionally, rate of growth, feed consumption, specific nutrients, and feeding methods influence our ability to optimize skeletal development and minimize skeletal disease. Maximizing the growth rate in young, growing puppies does not correlate to maximal adult size; however, it does increase the risk of skeletal disease. The growth phase of 3 to 8 months and possibly the phase prior to weaning are integral to ultimate skeletal integrity. The giant breeds may be limited in their ability to cope with excesses of minerals such as calcium, and the results are abnormal bone remodeling and skeletal disorders. This apparent increased sensitivity makes these breeds somewhat of a monitor of dietary influences".



By Margaret Muns DVM
"The degree to which CHD is manifested in a particular dog depends on the degree of the animal's genetic predisposition, and the influence of a variety of environmental stresses. The greatest incidence of CHD occurs in the most rapidly growing breeds of dogs. Therefore, mix-breed dogs are much less susceptible than highly bred dogs.

In most cases, the rapid growth rate of the disease is directly related to young dogs that are fed a high-calorie diet, and therefore develop excess body weight at a rapid rate. These diets only serve to enhance the biomechanical imbalance present in genetically susceptible dogs. Limiting the rate of a dog's growth results in less joint looseness and fewer signs of hip dysplasia.

Another major factor in the development of skeletal disease in young growing dogs is too much calcium intake. Excessive blood calcium levels disrupt the normal maturation of both bone and cartilage. Other clinical diseases related to calcium imbalances include osteochondrosis dissecans (OCD), retained cartilaginous cores, radius curvus syndrome, and stunted growth. Dogs that are affected with these syndromes lack the biochemical ability to protect themselves from chronic calcium excess".

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